Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nov 17 Minutes

Hey Democrats--

Here are your meeting minutes from tonight's meeting. For those of you who weren't there,
you missed out!!!

Upcoming things to think about:

Pizza and Politics is THIS THURSDAY, Nov. 20th at 7pm in Confer 127.

We are tabling on Thurs. Dec. 4th from 2-8pm. If you can help out, please e-mail me


Amy McMullan

Call to order 6:02pm by Amy McMullan

In attendance: Matt Entenza (special guest from Minnesota 2020), Jake Seamans, Amy McMullan, Mandy McCourt, Drew Ajer, Ben Lundquist, Nick Prince, Galen Mitchell, Laura Gronjes, Danielle Harms, Linnea, Drew Yackel-Juleen, Brian Curran

Gustie’s Restoring America is not in the DLC. Vote was 3 Yes, 9 No, need to establish a little more.

Matt Entenza – Board Chair of Minnesota 2020, a think tank in St. Paul. Sign up for e-mail list if you want progressive messages.
What is conservative values? What is our message? Shouldn’t we build a progressive message and agenda? We then can have the kind of state we want and build our future accordingly.
Repetition works
Policy is decided 365 days a year
Falsehoods can become truth
Conservatives have a clear message
Progressives clear message???
We can stay active now that the campaign season is over by working with Minnesota 2020. Contact Matt Entenza if you would be interested in interning with Minnesota 2020.

Pizza and Politics – Thursday at 7pm in Confer 127. Kacy is ordering pizza and doing advertising. It is bring your own (non-alcoholic) beverage.

Bush’s Last Day in Office Party – Drew Ajer will work with Andy Winn to get this set up. Let’s go for it.

Cookie Baking Contest – or not… we don’t want to.

Tabling to get rid of t-shirts

Tabling has been set up for Thur. Dec. 4th from 2-8pm outside of the caf. If you are available to table, please contact Amy.

Elections... coming soon…as is the new constitution.

New constitution. Nick Prince, Drew Ajer, Mandy McCourt will work with Jake to come up with a new document for us to consider.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Minutes Update: November 10, 2008

Call to order: Kacy at 6:00pm


Sonja Johnson, Nick Prince, Drew Ajer, Mandy McCourt, Ben Lundquist, Jacob Seamans, Amy McMullan, Kacy Wothe, Sean Maetens, Nick Stramp, Chelsea Bowen, Laine (liason from the Pubs)


Gustie’s Restoring America

How should we vote??

Work on your organization more. No for now; maybe later.

Maybe DLC should work on its membership policy

Motion by Jacob Seamans to vote “no” on admitting this group to DLC

Motion passes unanimously

Hate incidents

Door-knocking on Wednesday, November 12th at 4pm

Message: This is what happened and

E-mail Nick Prince by noon on Tuesday if you would like to help

Rally on Thursday night: time and location TBD, stay tuned!!!

Pizza and Politics is not happening tomorrow – Pubs have an event already.

It will be rescheduled.

Constitutional changes tabled to next meeting.

Get your crap outta the office pronto. Your stuff will be removed and donated to SAO if it doesn’t get taken care of. You have been warned.

Election prediction prizes when all elections have been called.

- Amy

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Senate Recount

Okay Nicollet County might be stuck with a GOP Senator, assuming he doesn't switch parties... Coleman is up now but Franken's coming back! Every vote!

And Nicollet County did go for Franken. This will be the new development to watch, obviously, for Minnesota's Senate seat at stake.

A Tremendous Night


President-elect Obama will be sworn in on January 20! What a time!

Thank you to everyone who did so much!